How to turn your dreams into a plan
Confession, I’m a huge dreamer…to the point I have been guilty of getting lost in my visions of what life would be like if…”I worked less days”, “I ran my own salon”, I moved into the city”, “I traveled for work”. Ok, ok, you catch my drift.
Then what happened? I would snap out of it and get back to what I was doing. (Picks up megaphone) WRONG!
You see, dreams are just visions of an outcome, and all it’s missing is the plan!
A plan is something you are acting on, while dreams are something you are just thinking about. A plan requires action, and sometimes procrastination or life can simply get in the way…you feel me? For more tips on ending procrastination, go here.
Dreams can happen while you’re 5 episodes deep in Tiger King and polishing a bag of potato chips. So, let’s take a look at this a little closer so we can determine HOW to manifest those dreams into reality!
As a bonus, I will be gifting you something very limited. But make sure you go through this list first, and I’ll share what’s next!
Plans have a deadline: Make sure you’re creating a time limit for each deadline. Start by writing them down in a fancy journal. Why? Journals are easier to find, take with us, and it’s bound in a book to keep our thoughts organized.
Plan for the cost: Goals don’t come without a price, whether it’s working less days, taking more vacation, or buying that house of your dreams, writing out all foreseeable costs can guide us through that dark tunnel toward the light.
Plans produce results: Dreams don’t. Once you’ve finished writing out all possible scenarios on how you need to find the funding, now it’s time to lay out a plan of action. Your plan of action should start with the month, then week, then day. “To stay on this tropical island for 10 days, I need to create X per month, I’ll set aside X per week, I need to produce X per day.”
Plans are based in reality: What can you actually accomplish in the timeframe you’ve constructed? Have you ever heard of celebrating the small victories? Plans should be handled the same way. If you set a goal, for example to start your own business, setting a business plan might feel overwhelming if you don’t have a mission statement. This could take an hour or a week to get clear on what you want to include. So, by setting a realistic timeframe on when you want to complete that mission statement, gets you 1 step closer to the dream!
Plans have a finish line. Once you’ve started slaying your shorter-term & tangible goals, you will want to plan for the victory lap. Your victory lap can be the next steps, once your plan is executed, to continue to grow. Think of it as a ‘choose your own adventure book’, and lay out possible scenarios on how you can expand and scale growth. Let’s use travel as an example. Let’s say you’ve saved half of what you’ll need, you’ve planned your scheduled time off, you’ve arranged your sitter, you’ve booked your hotels, and you’re about to plan your flights. Your victory lap might be to research affordable bundles for future travel to plan in a year from now. Planting that seed creates space to grow your future plans.
Plans are life changing. Dreams can bring you motivation and inspire you. The minute you set those goals into motion, is the minute you have started rewriting your own script. Think of all the things you can apply these steps to in your own life and what kind of change it may bring!
Plans must be laser focused. Unlike dreams that can float in and out of our minds, plans are executed with purpose and focus. Do you find yourself getting distracted certain times of the day? If mornings cause less distractions, can you wake up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later?
Plan for the work: Maybe your weekends are consumed with family time, or you need that time to recharge. Plan for it. Let your dreams whisk you away on the weekend, but make sure once you’re back on, use that time wisely and continue to construct your goals. If a dream enters your mind, jot it on your dream list, then get back to it.
Planning can be uncomfortable. Dreams stretch your imagination, and can lead to bigger dreams, but planning can increase your skills and your abilities. Learning new skills and abilities can be mentally exhausting and uncomfortable. Make sure you schedule your “creating time” around relaxation to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted.
10. Creating time: Pick a time and place where you can spend 30 minutes uninterrupted. Organize on your calendar the main points of your plan using 1 color. Then schedule your check-ins (looking back to alter) with a different color, your completion goal another color, lastly your victory lap in another.
11. Create a curb: You may find yourself running into roadblocks, maybe your head isn’t in the right space or something more pressing comes up. Make sure you write those down somewhere on your calendar to the side perhaps with a * next to it as a topic you plan to come back to but haven’t forgotten.
12. Practice makes permanent. Practice seeing yourself in your mind’s eye with your goal already accomplished. What does it look like? Who is with you? The more you practice building a bridge from your dreams to your plans, the more attainable those dreams feel. Whether you like to practice meditation or you’re having a hard time falling asleep, allow yourself space to foster a relationship with your dreams.
13. Our minds are powerful. To help you imagine future success and how you will feel, ask yourself the following questions: “What would it be like if I were to achieve my dream? How would I feel? What would be different? After imagining your successes, write these answers down on post-its or write them on a mirror you look in every day. Now read them out loud.
14. Rewiring your brain. After several weeks of practicing the art of speaking your visualizations, you might begin to experience spontaneous change. Without any planning on your part, you will start to make choices that will bring you closer to your dreams. This is a sign that your sub-conscious has brought its beliefs from manifesting dreams to manifesting plans.
Is this sparking something in you? Remember, sometimes just practicing the art of getting around procrastination, found here, can make a world of difference. Dreams provide you with the vision of where you want to go, and can be used as the blueprint for your future life. You can’t achieve a dream, you can only achieve your goal through your plan, and thats where you get to realize your dream!
At the end of the day, you’re never alone, and my goal is to help YOU realize your dream! Remember how I told you in the beginning about a limited gift? Your personalized one:on:one session is waiting & I’m gifting you a 50% off code: AMBROSIALIVE to use for a package of 3 sessions! YES we get to brainstorm together. YES we get to connect on how to set attainable goals. YES I will work around your schedule. And YES, we will work together on making your dreams come true!
Not sure if this is right for you? I got you! Text 15033006100 and I’ll even give you a complimentary 30 minute session for FREE!
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